Keep, store or throw away? A practical guide to decluttering

It’s regularly said that a clear space means a clear mind, and it’s difficult to disagree. Decluttering is sometimes all it takes to give you that ‘fresh start’ feeling that so often leads to happiness, relaxation and productivity. It’s a proverbial weight off your shoulders.

The process itself, however, is daunting to say the least. What should you keep? When is it ok to throw something away? Is storage the answer?

You can find the answers to all of these questions and a few more in our flow chart below.

a practical guide to decluttering flow diagram



If you have no use for something, why not give it to someone who does? Charity shops are massively useful – they’ll take anything from clothes and shoes to electronics, books and music, and then find it a new home. What’s more, you get to choose a cause that’s close to you.


If something’s valuable but you’ve no place or purpose for it, take the opportunity to make some extra cash. There are plenty of shops and websites committed to buying music and games, as well as general second-hand stores. Failing those, there is eBay!


Don’t be afraid to throw things away if they’re no good to you or anyone else – the sense of relief that comes with letting go can be amazing. Just be sure to do it responsibly: always recycle if possible.


Self-storage is a great middle ground. It allows you to get rid of stuff without actually getting rid. You’ll still have round-the-clock access, and your possessions will be safe and secure, but you don’t lose the valuable living space in your home. It’s a win-win situation!

Get in touch today

If you’re planning on getting busy at home and need somewhere to store your belongings while work takes place, or maybe you need a long-term storage solution, here at Titan Storage, we have secure and high quality units in a range of sizes.

From the size of a locker to a mini warehouse, we can meet all of your unique storage needs. Get in touch today to find out more.

Thomas Light

Tom’s SEO experience includes working for both agencies and within in-house marketing teams over 8+ years period. With a marketing degree under his belt, he is able to think of the bigger picture and make website recommendations that have benefits beyond SEO. Tom is not one for jargon and likes to explain things in a way that’s easy to digest; because of this, he’s happy assisting internal teams as well as working with external developers when needed. Tom’s approach to SEO is heavily focused on content and usability. He prides himself on being efficient and effective, with great communication and prompt action. Tom lives in Southampton (much to the disappointment of the Portsmouth locals within the company), and in his spare time you’ll find him watching live music, playing games and attempting to imitate his favourite musicians on the acoustic guitar.

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